
While OLTA represents you at the Capitol in Oklahoma City, it is important that our leaders at the Capitol hear directly from their constituents on issues that are important.  Writing, calling and emailing  your Senators and Representatives makes an enormous difference in OLTA’s advocacy.

To learn how you can get involved with OLTA’s advocacy efforts, please contact : Terri Parrish, President of Oklahoma Land Title Association.

OLTA Grassroots Activists

Activists are leaders within the title industry who have a personal connection or relationship with an elected or appointed official in Oklahoma. This personal contact is especially effective in OLTA’s advocacy to legislators in Congress and officials within the Administration. If ALTA’s grassroots activists form the base of the title industry’s political pyramid, grasstops activists form the top. When the title industry combines grassroots and grasstops lobbying, the result is an integrated effort that can achieve maximum impact.

If you have a relationship with a federal government official, please let us know by contacting Terri Parrish.